
    Distance education

    To this end, we have made a magazine Distance Learning for and by our RUAS colleagues. It contains manuals for the following: providing online and LIVE lectures, organisation of peer feedback, didactic perspectives and many practical tips, among other things. Of course, we will add new sections to the magazine in the near future, but the most important information to get started is included. And we will continue to encourage students to spend time on independent study. 


    If you want to (further) broaden your knowledge and skills in this respect, for example in preparing for education after the summer holidays, we have a number of guidelines for you. To begin with, in this update we have listed where you, as a lecturer or course director, can find answers to questions, get help, tools and professionalisation in the field of blended learning at every entry level.

    Online magazines

    Two online magazines were created to enable the realisation of distance education in an easily accessible way:

    1. Online Magazine Distance Learning
      How does pedagogy and didactics work in an online environment? How to create a good online lesson? That is how the magazine starts, followed by manuals and tips focused on group size and type of lesson. The magazine also has a search function, which will be optimised in the near future.

    2. Online Magazine Remote Testing
      What are the methods for online testing and what resources can you use? How do you carefully consider converting a test to a different form of testing? In this magazine you will find answers to these kinds of questions with accompanying examples.

    The online magazines are periodically updated with new sections

    Do you wish to receive more individual guidance when designing blended education? Via you can contact the pedagogical/didactic helpdesk (distance learning) or the helpdesk for remote testing. These helpdesks are staffed by colleagues and educational advisors with extensive experience in designing and providing blended education. After asking your question in writing, you will be contacted and you can brainstorm about your ideas. It is also possible to get help with certain programmes. By making use of these services, we are also able to gain insight into the needs and ideas for further shaping the desired support and professionalisation. If you are an English speaking lecturer, please do use the portal, and ask your questions in English.

    Online Educational Parade
    This year the theme of the Online Educational Parade was about hands-on help with the development and design of blended education. Thirteen inspiring webinars were organised and they are available to view again. What do you need to focus on when welcoming first year students? You can also use (miro) for an online workshop that includes guidelines to help you redesign your course for a blended situation.

    The enthusiasm for the Online Educational Parade was great. It was well attended and 400 colleagues joined the Team HR-Online Educational Parade. The larger this community, the more ideas and insights can be exchanged. We are therefore pleased to invite you to join.

    How do you do that? Online
    How can you teach well in this online world? In the 'TV programme' How do you do that online? Bart Lamboo guides us through the primary questions of lecturers about online education. Especially now that we are all learning, we want to ask colleagues: how do you do that? In each episode, lecturers give tips and tricks on various aspects of online education. Perhaps the stories of your colleagues will provide you with precisely that golden tip that you need to be able to move forward.

    Watch the episode here.

    Members of the HUB Theory of Education and the team Education, Quality & Personnel team (OKP) have collaborated and developed a track, ‘Startbaan’, to give educational advisors more insight into the specific characteristics of blended education. The aim was also to develop a number of products with which study programmes can choose the blend of their education more easily. How online or offline should, can and may it be? And what does this actually mean with respect to teaching?

    One of the products that was produced is the Course Composition Cube, which makes such choices apparent. For more information, Course Directors can turn to their OKP education advisors.

    Additional information
    Of course you can also visit the usual channels such as Hint and Coronavirus Information Point for more information about online education and for a compilation of practical information about education and working remotely.

    Keep asking questions, sharing experiences and inspiring each other. Not in the least because we will continue to be working (partly) in this manner next academic year. Throughout the past four months, we have gained a lot of knowledge and experience. If we use it well and continue to share questions and knowledge, we will be able to realise high-quality blended education together.

    Do you also want to actively share knowledge and experience and thus contribute to (even) better blended education?

     Please contact

    For questions about working at a distance you can check HINT here. FAQs about using Office 365 are accessible here (on HINT in Dutch only).

    If you have general questions about the IT applications, the Service Point colleagues are there to support you. During this period, they are not physically present at work, but you can also ask your question via the self service portaal of FIT or send to If necessary, they will return your call and help you out.
    Everyone with experience with executing distance education can support colleagues online by using Tools (such as Microsoft Teams and FeedbackFruits). Please e-mail to with subject heading: ‘I can help’.

    Frequently asked questions per subject