
    Copyright Information Point

    Clarification of laws and regulations

    Everyone has to deal with copyright, when (re)using educational materials, presentations, publications or when writing an essay. Find out here what regulations may affect you.


    Film & audio

    Regels voor gebruik van audiovisueel materiaal

    Internal screening

    Screening at our school locations

    You are allowed to screen a complete film, audio work, or documentary for free and without permission, provided you adhere to the following requirements: 

    • Screening takes place in a closed Digital Learning Environment or on the physical premises of our educational institution.
    • Screening for an educational purpose, as part of the curriculum is legal for non-profit education.
    • When screening for entertainment purposes, permission is required. For playback of TV programmes, the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences has an agreement with Videma. Check here which TV programmes are covered by the license. Permission for screening feature films or documentaries can be requested from Filmservice
    • Only stream or play from a legal source (for example, a dvd or website). It is not permitted to stream or play a copy or a downloaded file. Similarly, only play YouTube video's through the YouTube-player or an embedded link, playing from a download is not allowed.
    • Take note: When playing copyrighted video or audio, do not record your online lesson. Different rules apply for uploading video or audio to the LMS. For more information, see "Sharing audiovisual material".

    External screening

    Screening outside of school premises

    If you want to show a film or documentary outside the walls of the school, for example as part of a seminar or conference, you have to ask permission to do so.

    • Feature films: Permission can be arranged through FilmService in most cases. When material is not available in their catalogue contact FilmService for advice.
    • Netflix: If it is a ''Netflix Original'' request permission from Netflix for a public screening. For films and series of other parties shown on Netflix, arrange permission through FilmService.
    • YouTube: Public screenings of video's or music on YouTube are not permitted. Viewing of YouTube video's is only allowed for personal, non-commercial use. Videos on YouTube with a Creative Commons license are an exception, these may be shown publicly.

    Personal audiovisual productions

    Producing your own audiovisual material

    Are you producing your own audio-visual material, for example a web-lecture, podcast or screencast, and do you use material from third parties in it? If so, please take copyright into account. Just as you may quote text, it is allowed to use image and sound clips as quotes under certain conditions (Article 15a, Dutch Copyright Act). The following rules apply to quotations:

    • The quoted material is used to support the content, it is not just for amusement. Quotations may be used, for example, to announce, assess or support an educational written work (treatise).
    • Don't use more material than needed to support your story. In practice this means using short fragments.
    • Only quote materials that have been legally published (with authorisation of the creator).
    • Don't make any changes in the quoted fragment.
    • Always make sure you cite your sources.

    Arranging permission

    Would you like to copy more than just a short film fragment or audio clip. Or do you want to use material 'for embellishment'? Then get permission from the copyright holder(s). Rights of professional image and sound makers are often managed by a collective organisation such as Buma/Stemra (music). You can also make use of Open Content, which is subject to less strict copyright rules in the case of re-use. For more information, see the Open Content section.


    Are you working with guest speakers or are there other people in the frame of the photo, or film? Then take into account portrait rights and privacy. For questions about privacy and the GDPR, please contact the Privacy Information Point of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

    Sharing audiovisual material

    Sharing audiovisual material

    If you want to share video or audio fragments, take the following into account:

    • If the material is protected by copyright, uploading to the internet or an online learning environment is only permitted with the permission of the copyright owner(s). Include written permission with the material being shared.
    • Linking or embedding is always permitted provided that the material has been lawfully made public (i.e. with the permission of the creator).
    • More flexible rules apply to Open Access material: check the license conditions of the material for what reuse is permitted.
    • Always make sure you mention the source when you share material from third parties!
    • Is it a personal audiovisual production and are (fragments of) copyright-protected materials included? In the section "personal audiovisual productions" you can find out what you need to take into account.