

    A flexible and personal way of certification

    Badges are digital insignia that allow you to demonstrate that you have certain skills or knowledge. You can obtain them for such things as completing a workshop. Badges are secure and can be verified by future employers. In other words, badges are a kind of micro-diploma!


    With edubadges you can show who you are

    and what you are capable of

    During your studies, you can participate in all sorts of optional activities and training. However, these will not appear on your diploma. The solution? Edubadges! You can share a badge you obtained on LinkedIn and an employer can verify whether it is real. The library and the city lab now offer these "micro-credentials" and we expect that you will see them more and more.

    Create an account

    to store your edubadges in

    What is a edubadge backpack?

    Your digital backpack stores your edubadges. It is a service linked to your personal eduID.

    What is an eduID?

    An eduID is a digital identity: a secure digital environment that is independent of your educational institution and can be used for life. eduID is reliable and you are always in control of your data and who you share it with.

    Earn your first badge

    With the RUAS Library Introduction

    Earn an edubadge novice by completing the online training course "RUAS Library introduction" and successfully completing the final test!
    You can participate in class in a digital test with which you can earn an edubadge. The organisation of that test can only be done in consultation with the library. For this, ask your research skills teacher to contact

    Start the training

    Check the overview of all media literacy training courses