
    Dr. ir. Linda Wauben

    Professor Technical Innovations in Healthcare

    Besides her work as postdoctoral researcher at the Delft University of Technology, Linda Wauben is a research professor of Technical Innovations in Healthcare at Research Centre Innovations in Care.

    Linda Wauben studied Industrial Design at the Delft University of Technology, after which she finished her PhD research on 'Safety in the Operating Room' in 2010. This was a collaborative project between the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of the Delft University of Technology and the Department of Surgery of the Erasmus University Medical Centre. She currently focuses on the role of 'human factors' and technology in relation to safety, efficiency and quality of care. Since 2014, she has been combining her work at the Delft University of Technology with her work for the Technical Innovations in Care research group at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.


    By Dr. ir. Linda Wauben


    By Dr. ir. Linda Wauben