
    Designful Innovation - Onlife

    Look up and get onlife

    Do you feel that you are spending more and more time on your smartphone? You wake up with it, you carry it around in your pocket all day and eventually go to sleep with it. I wonder if you like the way you use your smartphone. Doesn’t it distract you from the moments that really matter?

    Onlife is the new way of living. This sensitization campaign makes everyone aware that there is more in life than your phone. Are you having dinner in a restaurant with friends? Put your smartphone on Onlife mode so that everyone knows you are Onlife and you have better things to do than answering messages. The campaign is accompanied by an Onlife electronic phone case which changes into the background your smartphone lies on when put on Onlife mode (so that your phone does not attract attention). Look up from your phone, live in the moment and be Onlife!

    This project was designed by  Akke van der Kamp and is one of the projects that our students worked on during the exchange programme Designful Innovation.