
    Euromonitor Passport

    Economy & Management, Business data

    Market research databank (used by academic organisations and Fortune 500 companies) to gain insight into the global business market in these times of fast change and increasing globalisation.

    Passport contains millions of statistics and thousands of in-depth reports about 27 markets with demographic, macro and socio-economic data and analysis of consumers and economies from 210 countries.

    Check the introduction videos and guides

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    what you (can't) do with the content of this database

    When you open this database, you are presented with the Terms and Conditions. These conditions apply to you when you make use of Euromonitor. Read them before you redistribute material or use it in your own publications. Commercial use for example is explicitly forbidden and you always have to attribute abstracts.

    When you want to use data from Euromonitor in a publication or make it part of course material, please contact the copyright information point first.