
    Het Financieele Dagblad

    Financial News

    Dutch financial newspaper with news and articles on politics, the economy and business. Create a personal account for access to the online newspaper and the apps.


    Create a personal account via

    The first time you go to the FD website you have to create a personal account. You use your Rotterdam University e-mail address and a password you choose yourself. You need this password for the e-paper app and optionally for the website.


    Het Financieele Dagblad is (since 1796) a business newspaper that focuses primarily on the stock exchange, the economy and business. Recent developments in politics, culture and society are also covered. The FD is available in Dutch only. You can access the FD by means of the website or via two apps.


    When you have created a personal account you can use it to login on the FD website, or use the surfconext link on this page. On the website you can find the e-paper version: the newspaper in the original layout. Also you can subscribe to various newsletters by means of your personal account.

    FD app

    The FD app offers full access to the latest business news, including the stock exchange.

    Google Play downloadknop  Apple Appstore downloadknop