
    Online application system - Mobility Online

    After your home university nominated you into Mobility Online, we will review your nomination. If your nomination has been approved, you automatically receive an email with your login details, so you can register and apply online in Mobility Online.

    Please ask the international office at your home university if they have already nominated you into Mobility Online, not just in their own administration. Otherwise we will not be able to see your nomination. If they have already done that, it is possible that we still need to review your nomination. Your home university can contact us at to ask for the status of your nomination.

    NOTE: Exchange students are only able to apply online between 1 October - 25 October and 1 April - 25 April.

    It is possible that your home university accidentally entered the wrong date of birth in your nomination. Please ask your home university if this is the case, and use the wrong date so you can continue with your registration. At a later step, you will be able to change your date of birth to the correct one in Mobility Online.

    Please send an email to with your new top 3, so we can change this for you. It will depend on the time of the application if this is still possible (the deadline remains the same: April 25th for Fall and October 25th for Spring). If you decide to change your first choice exchange programme, it might be possible that you have to send us a new motivation video/letter (depending on the exchange programme you select).

    Please send an email to so we can delete the wrong document(s) and you can upload the correct one(s) in Mobility Online. Please make sure you do this as soon as possible as the deadline remains the same (April 25th for Fall and October 25th for Spring).

    All students need to complete their entire online application before the deadline (April 25th for Fall and October 25th for Spring). Within 3 weeks after the application deadline, we will inform you for which exchange programme you have been selected and you will receive your official Letter of Acceptance. If we have to ask you to transfer to another (similar) programme than your first choice, we will contact you and your home university as soon as possible during or shortly after the application period.