
    Submitting an objection

    I got rejected. What now?

    Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences has rejected your request for (re-)enrolment. In the rejection email, the Studenten Service Center (SSC), which is responsible for the entire (re-) enrolment process on behalf of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, states the reason(s) for the rejection.

    You may not agree with the reason(s) for rejection, which is why we have answered the most important questions surrounding the rejection and the possibility to object. These answers can help you in the important decision as to whether it might be useful to file an appeal or not.

    For the sake of convenience, the answers to the questions only refer to study programme. The answers apply to all bachelor's, associate's degree and master's degree programmes at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Everything you need to know

    A rejection of a (re-)enrolment will follow if you do not meet all enrolment requirements. This may mean that you do not meet the admission requirements that apply to your chosen study programme, such as the correct previous education. It is also possible that you have not arranged the payment and/or confirmation of the digital authorization via Studielink properly or on time. A rejection can also follow if you, as an applicant, have not or not fully complied with the invitation from the programme for the Study Programme Check (SPC) twice. The latest date to meet all requirements is the last day before the start date of the study programme, usually August 31st or January 31st. If you do not comply with this at that time, a rejection will automatically follow from September 1st or February 1st. For the Study Programme Check, you can receive a rejection earlier, because you will be rejected if you have not responded to the invitation twice. This also applies to not being offered a place in a selection study programme or not receiving approval from the study programme to start.

    If you have valid reasons why the rejection is not justified, you can submit an objection to the Disputes Advisory Committee (Geschillenadviescommissie) via the Complaint and Disputes Office (Bureau Klachten en Geschillen) via this form within six weeks of the date of the email containing the rejection.

    If your parents or a third party lodge an objection on your behalf, they must be authorized by you. Upload the authorization with the form to speed up the objection process.

    In a notice of objection you must be able to demonstrate with clear arguments and with evidence that everything has been submitted correctly and on time (that you have met all admission requirements and payment conditions), that there are special circumstances or that the fault lies with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The argument 'stupid, I forgot' without special personal circumstances usually does not hold up to the Disputes Advisory Committee.

    If you do not agree with the rejection (de-enrolment), you can submit a notice of objection via this form to the Disputes Advisory Committee of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences within six weeks after your request for enrolment has been rejected. If the notice of objection is submitted after the period of six weeks, the objection will no longer be considered. So pay close attention to the deadline for submission.

    After your objection has been received, the Disputes Advisory Committee will send a confirmation of receipt. This letter will be sent by email to the email address with which you submitted your objection. At the request of the Disputes Advisory Committee, the Studenten Service Center (SSC) assesses whether an amicable settlement is possible.

    If a settlement is possible, SSC will send you a settlement proposal and further information by email. If no settlement is possible, SSC will draw up a statement of defense and send it to the Disputes Advisory Committee (see HINT: Hogeschool – Rechten en plichten - Klachten).

    The Disputes Advisory Committee will send you an invitation by email stating the date of the hearing in which your notice of objection will be handled by the Disputes Advisory Committee. Both you and SSC are invited to this. During the hearing you will have the opportunity to explain your objection orally. You can be assisted during the hearing by a family member, confidential adviser, expert or a lawyer, but this is not necessary.

    After the hearing, the Disputes Advisory Committee formulates a recommendation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board assesses whether it accepts or rejects the advice. After this, the decision of the Executive Board with the advice of the Disputes Advisory Committee will be sent to you by email.

    The procedure for submitting an objection to Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences takes at least ten weeks due to the various bodies to be followed. From the moment the objection has been received by the Disputes Advisory Committee, it will be assessed whether you are eligible for a provisional ruling.

    A provisional ruling means that you can continue to follow education pending the decision of the Executive Board. This provisional ruling lnvalidate after the decision of the Executive Board. With a provisional ruling you will not be enrolled as a student, but you will have access to education and you may participate in exams (these include group assignments, for example). However, these exams are not (yet) assessed.

    With a provisional ruling, your student card will not work at coffee machines and printers, since you are not enrolled as a student at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

    Only information regarding the officially provisional ruling given by the Complaints and Disputes Office on behalf of the Disputes Advisory Committee is legally valid. If you have any questions about the provisional ruling, please contact the Complaints and Disputes Office on 010-794 4290.

    No. A provisional ruling is not an official enrolment and therefore you are not entitled to student finance. One of the conditions to be entitled to student finance is that you must be officially enrolled with the relevant educational institution. There is an official enrolment when you have met all admission requirements (including payment conditions) by the deadline set by the educational institution. For more information about student finance, go to

    Since January 1st, 2016 it is possible to apply for student finance for the current academic year with retroactive effect. This is only possible when you are definitively enrolled for the relevant study programme. If you are in the right in the objection procedure, you will usually be enrolled as of September 1st. You can contact DUO to see if you qualify. In order to be definitively enrolled as a student, you must meet all admission requirements, including payment obligation.

    As long as you have not yet met all admission requirements and payment conditions, SSC will regularly send an email to your student email account and private email account from June to August. If your 06 number is also known to us via Studielink, you will also receive a text message and you will also be called. If you are an applicant (prospective student), you will also be informed about the status of your application via Communicating via email and the telephone number is done via the contact details stated in Studielink and your student email address.

    Nothing, unless you choose, for example, to hire an adviser or lawyer to assist you during the objection procedure. These costs are for your own account. If you would like to be assisted during the objection procedure, you can also choose to appoint a parent, friend or acquaintance.

    If your objection is valid (you are proved right), you must pay the tuition fees retroactively from September 1st.

    If your objection is valid (you are proved right), the rejection/de-enrolment will be reversed. You will then be enrolled as a student with retroactive effect, which will also invalidate your provisional ruling. By enrolling, you also owe tuition fees with retroactive effect. Since January 1st, 2016 it is possible to apply for student finance for the current academic year with retroactive effect. You can contact DUO to see if you qualify. In order to be definitively enrolled as a student, you must meet all admission requirements, including payment obligation.


    You have submitted a request for enrolment to start the study programme of your choice on September 1st. This request was rejected by SSC because you did not meet all the admission requirements by September 1st. You do not agree and you therefore appeal. This objection will be declared valid somewhere between September and November, so that you will be enrolled with retroactive effect from September 1st. You will therefore owe tuition fees as of September 1st. Exams that you have taken under the provisional ruling will be assessed, any credits you have obtained will be valid.

    If your objection is declared unfounded (you are wrong), the provisional ruling will be cancelled, making the rejection of the study for which you enrolled definitive. This means that you cannot follow that study at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences for that academic year. Exams that you have taken under the provisional ruling are not valid for the next academic year. If you do not agree with the decision of the Executive Board, you can appeal to the Higher Education Appeals Tribunal (CBHO) within six weeks.

    Submitting an objection

    By filling in the form below, you can submit an objection to the Disputes Advisory Committee against the rejection of your registration. You confirm that you have read the frequently asked questions carefully and that you are aware of the procedure you are starting with it. Fill in all fields completely and make sure that you properly explain in your notice of objection on which grounds you are submitting your objection. If you have any questions about the rejection, please contact the Student Service Center first.