
    Innovations in Care

    Human centered

    With its applied research, Research Centre Innovations in Care contributes to better healthcare and patient support. We work closely with professionals, clients, research centres and the study programmes of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. In this way, we promote the health, vitality and participation of our fellow humans. Put differently, we connect education, research and practice. Research Centre Innovations in Care is one of the six research centres of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.


    Connection to education & practice

    Practice-based research

    Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences trains students to be budding professionals who know what is going on in practice and society. In this way, they will be well prepared for the unruly world of practice.

    Practice-based research plays an essential role herein. Thanks to the close cooperation with our partners in practice and the research we conduct there, we know what is going on. In cooperation with the educational institutions, we adjust our teaching accordingly.

    Would you like to work with our teacher-researchers and students to find a solution? Hands-on research reveals where there is still room for improvement and provides tools for innovation. 

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    Research Centre Innovations in Care develops, in interaction with professional practice, a shared vision of the future and challenges of the field in question and what it means for current and future professionals.

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