
    The current state of synchromodality: an application of a synchromodal maturity model on case studies in the Netherlands and Belgium

    Publication of CoE HRTech

    K. Alons, G. Somers, J.H.R. Duin,van | Conference contribution | Publication date: 28 January 2021
    This article describes the current status of synchromodal transport with an application of the synchromodal maturity model to several companies in different regions. The companies operate in The Netherlands and Belgium and in different roles: logistics service provider, shipper, forwarder, and inland operator. Accordingly, the maturity of data exchange, planning, and execution of transport are investigated, as well as, pricing process, decision-making power, relationship with partners, and relevant KPIs. It has been observed that companies are more mature with regards to synchromodality in the fields of KPI, data exchange, and collaboration. Furthermore, the (un)availability of intermodal transport might restrict companies from becoming more mature. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the maturity level in terms of synchromodality seems to be equal, where Belgium has a higher share of rail intermodal transport, and the Netherlands barge intermodal transport. Our future research will focus on further benchmarking the maturity levels of synchromodality in Europe as part of the Green Deal Europe. Keywords: Synchromodal transport, Netherlands, Belgium, Sustainable transport.

    Author(s) - affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

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