
    Open justice in the Netherlands: an overview

    Publication of Creating 010

    R. Choenni, C.P.M. Netten, M.S. Bargh | Part of a book | Publication date: 15 May 2019
    Gaining public trust, achieving transparency, stimulating innovations, and delivering economic growth have been considered as some of the drivingforces behind Open Data initiatives for government organisations in recent years. Traditionally Open Justice, which refers to making courts and their proceedings open and public so that what is done in the name of justice can be scrutinised and criticised, has been recognised even long before transparency became an important aspect of governance (McLachlin, 2014). Nowadays, the scope of Open Justice extends beyond simply court proceedings and judgments and includes also opening the data that are gathered within the administration processes and the judicial procedures of the whole justice branch of government. In addition to the rage of data sources and types, the scope of Open Justice has grown in terms of the objectives of Open Justice. Open Data initiatives have also gained momentum in the justice domain in the Netherlands. In this chapter we build on the results of, mainly, Bargh et al. (2016a; 2016b; 2016c; 2014) and provide an overview of Open Justice Data initiatives and their trends in the Netherlands.

    Author(s) - affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

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