
    Imagine a move in space

    Publication of Creating 010

    M. Hennekes, M. Visser, V. Schepers, T. Kootstra, P. Troxler | Conference contribution | Publication date: 17 June 2022
    Many and various kits are available to support fabbing and making in educational settings. Often, kits are based on some basic STEM principles varying from kinetics to genetic design. In this hands-on workshop we take teachers on a similar journey: together we develop a kit based on the theme of the conference, makerSPACE\\SPACEmaking. Participants are invited to contribute their own, art-inspired starting points, or to bring scrap material. Combining the stimuli from art and the affordances of the materials will lead in a few fast-paced steps to a prototype kit, which we will test and enhance based on the constructionist design principles – low-floor, high-ceiling, and wide walls – and relate the kit to the participants’ curricula.

    Author(s) - affiliated with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

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