
    Participation among people with HIV

    From school to employment

    Publication date: 01 January 2013

    Worldwide, an estimated 36 million people live with HIV. The number of people newly diagnosed with an HIV infection is increasing, including in the Netherlands. At present, there are an estimated 23,000 registered patients, with an annual total of 1,000 new diagnoses.


    There are many indications from both practice and the international literature that people with HIV are at risk of developing problems in the area of participation.

    These problems can consist of school absenteeism and frequent drop-out compared to peers. In addition, there are relatively many learning problems among children and young people with HIV and they have to deal with matters such as disclosure and stigma at school. In adulthood, relatively many problems are reported in the area of employment; the multidisciplinary guideline “HIV and Employment” describes an unemployment rate varying from 45-65% among people living with HIV in Western countries. HIV infection can lead to unemployment, but also absenteeism at work and difficulties in returning to work or obtaining work.

    There is, to date, still much uncertainty about the various determinants that play a role in the problems of participation. This project aims to understand the problems in the area of the participation of people with HIV and the factors that can play a role.