
    Living at home longer with dementia in Rotterdam

    Pilot project

    Publication date: 01 July 2015

    In the spring of 2013, health insurance company Zilveren Kruis/ Achmea and the municipality of Rotterdam concluded the covenant “Working on a healthy Rotterdam together”. From the assumptions that people grow old more pleasantly in their own familiar surroundings and that living at home longer involves lower costs than intramural care, the ambition is to postpone or acquit intramural admission. Additionally, the aim is to organise health care and support at home so that this can be effectuated in a pleasant and safe manner.


    Facts and figures


    Principals are Gemeente Rotterdam and Zilveren Kruis. They work together with AafjeLaurensHumanitasConforteZorgimpulsAlzheimer Nederland, Research Centre Innovations in Care and Erasmus Universiteit.


    Zilveren Kruis, Rotterdam


    2015 - 2018