
    Memory Lane

    Living at home with mild dementia

    Memory Lane is for people living at home with mild dementia. In general, it involves people with a diagnosis of 'moderate' dementia, which are (still) able to function in the setting of a community centre. In addition to this target group the method aims to inform local residents about dementia and dealing with people with dementia.

    The philosophy behind the memory lane is based on the fact that people with dementia can be best guided in their normal environment. By the integrated guidance, that the program offers, the elderly with mild dementia and any partner and other family/informal caregivers will be assisted in dealing with all the changes and constraints. Long before professional support is needed.

    The support programme has a number of permanent parts. The program components are:

    1. Meeting Club
    2. To moving/exercising
    3. Singing and music listening
    4. Consultation (for informal caregivers and people with dementia)
    5. Discussion groups: supporting each other and learning from each other (for informal caregivers and people with dementia)
    6. Informative/educational meetings (for informal caregivers)

    The first memory palace was opened in 2014. There are people who already participate since the start. The meeting club is opened weekly from 10 am until 3 pm.

    Ivo Brandsen
    +31 10 244 82 40