
    Intergenerational actions

    House for All

    The House for All is a neighborhood accommodation with a global social purpose.

    Its missions are defined by the City of Marseille as part of the Public Service Delegation and by the Family Allowances Fund as part of the social center agreement. This accommodation is open to the entire population, and it has a social function, offering hospitality, entertainment, activities and services.. It is a family-oriented and multi-generational place, a place for meetings, exchanges and information. The House of All encourages intergenerational contact between  children of seven or eight years old and a group of seniors from a retirement home,  fostering knowledge and social exchange between the two generations. Their aim is to develop a natural link between the youngest in our society and the seniors of our society, increasing familiarity and mutual respect. 


    Daniele Cotte
    +33 4 91 73 14 59