
    Service center Ten Elsberge

    Preventing loneliness

    The service centers in Roeselare have four core tasks: delivery of services, and provide information, education, and recreation.

    The service center provides three services to prevent loneliness: “telephone star”, “home visits” and “coffee in your neighborhood”.

    1. Telephone star:  volunteers call people every day.
    2. Home visits: volunteers visit elderly once per month at their home. Both projects are important because a lot people don’t hear or see anyone during the day.

    A few times a year, the volunteers and the elderly of the first two services come together for coffee and cake.

    1. Coffee in your neighborhood: a tent is pitched in one of the streets of Roeselare and coffee is served. All the inhabitants of the street are invited. The intention is to bring people together. A manager of the service center, a care coach and a nurse are present in the tent. There are informal chats, but people can also ask their questions and receive information.

    Stijn Dusselier
    +32 51 27 27 13