
    Interaction between Generations: World Environment Day

    by the “Elderly Daily Care Center” (KIFI) of Nea Alikarnassos / Municipality of Heraklion

    “KIFI” are public services for open daily care of elderly provided by the Municipalities throughout Greece. In Heraklion they operate under the Municipal Society of Culture, Environment and Social Welfare of the Municipality of Heraklion and are funded under the Operational Program 2014-2020 of the Region of Crete.

    “KIFI” services are modern; offering open day-to-day accommodation facilities for children aged three to four, who need care because their family environment is unsafe for them due to serious financial or health-related problems of the family. KIFI structures operate in specially designed spaces on a daily basis, except on weekends, and can accommodate elderly people from morning to noon by providing care, health, entertainment and creative programmes.

    KIFI of Nea Alikarnassos organizes interaction between two generations in cooperation with the 1st Elementary School and a part of the 6th Primary School of Nea Alikarnassos. Young people and the elderly discuss and exchange views on recycling and create something of recyclable materials. The interaction of the two generations, cooperation, and communication between the elderly and young people strengthens the links between them and contributes to strengthening the feelings of active participation and participation of the elderly in social affairs. An activity can be about informing and raising awareness of the protection of the environment, which is an indication of culture and quality of life.