
    Borgo Mazzini Smart Cohousing (BMSC)

    Face and tackle the social issues of isolation frailty and lack of support

    The project has been conceived and designed through participated methodologies like focus groups and word cafés. In the design of spaces and apartments principles of environmental psychology and inclusive design (design for all) have been used.

    The target group is senior citizens with age of 60 or above at risk of social isolation and/or frailty. The aim is to face and tackle the social issues of isolation frailty and lack of support in the elderly in an innovative and inclusive way, and promoting a mindful, active and healthy ageing.

    To be able to implement this solution it is important to have the time and space to organize the events connected to the codesign activities, and related professionals are required in your own staff. This will help to keep in mind also the objectives and the possibilities of the implementing organization. It is also required to have physical spaces to implement the cohousing solution designed (i.e.: old properties, flats, etc.) and the ability to find the funds necessary to bring the project to life according to its aims and scope and make itself sustainable. Depending on the amount of work needed to adapt the available spaces to the final design it is important to have enough time.

    Aurora Uliana
    +39 3408521707