
    At home with meaning

    Evaluation of an approach to improve (assistant) nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and skills in attuning to meaning in life of old clients.

    Publication date: 01 April 2015

    Homecare workers are confronted with situations and questions about meaning in life in their daily work with (their elderly clients, but they do not always know how to respond to those issues in an appropriate way. In this project, spiritual counsellors are introduced to coach (assistant) nurses in sensitivity and skills to attune to meaning in life of their clients. This study will evaluate the contribution of this approach to both care workers and their clients.


    The study will evaluate the project at two levels:

    • The level of the relationship between the (assistant) nurse and the client.
    • The level of the spiritual counsellor’ coaching of the (assistant) nurse.

    The research methodology that will be used is the Perceived Benefit Approach. The Perceived Benefit Approach enables researchers to come to deep insight in a problem and allows a broad view on the benefits of an intervention, which may contribute to improvements in care. The perception of the participants, in this research elderly people and (assistant) nurses, is crucial. Various (mainly qualitative) research methods will be used, such as (participative) observations, interviews, focus groups and document review.