Jos conducted his doctoral research under the title ‘SPRiNG: Starting Strong in Nursing’ at the SPRiNG project. The doctoral research focused on measuring and monitoring the main determinants of dropout due to physical workload among Nursing students during their internship/training and as novice nurses in the first year of their career, so that targeted preventive interventions can be implemented and the emphasis from the training is placed on a healthy work style, instead of unlearning unhealthy work behavior later. The effects of these interventions were also investigated.
The central research question of the doctoral research was: How can we develop a scientifically and practically substantiated toolkit for identifying risk factors, (early signs of) health problems, productivity loss, and dropout among interns and novice nurses? And what is the effectiveness of feasible interventions on these determinants?
Currently, Jos is working as a postdoctoral researcher on the project aimed at retaining men in nursing.