
    1) Tell us about yourself?

    My name is Camryn, and I am from Vietnam. I came to RUAS in September 2021 and followed the Pre-Master, and then continued with the Master program in International supply chain management. During my free time I really enjoy cooking and going for hikes because I love the nature.

    2) What are you studying and why did your choose that programme?

    I really enjoy supply chain management and international logistics. The reason why I like supply chains so much is because the industry brings me various job opportunities not only in the Netherlands, but also in my own country.

    3) What are your experiences during the study?

    Something that I had to adapt to was the way of thinking, as I had to think critically for the subjects. This will help me as a soft skill later in my career. I can say that I also really enjoyed the classes, as well as the lecturers. There are a number of assignments that we must do. Usually, it is a mix of both, individual and group assignments, but since I also decided to work part time, I do find it quite difficult to balance my time as it is an intensive programme. 

    Everything was logical and I received a lot of support from the teachers. Furthermore, since the teachers are experts from the field, they can teach me not only theoretical aspects, but also from the practical perspective. Another good part was making friends. It was quite easy for me to make new friends.

    4) What is unique about your study programme?

    I think RBS has good strength in providing students with practical experiences, not only in supply chain but also during the consultancy sessions. The main reason why I chose this program is that Rotterdam has one of the biggest ports in Europe, which should help me to find various job opportunities here.

    5) Do you think this program provides you access companies in Rotterdam?

    Yes, of course! In the supply chain Master, we also have an international project in which I have the opportunity to get in touch with different companies and work as well as practice working in a diverse team. During my studies I have had the chance to access and work with two different companies on real life projects.

    6) What you like the most about living in Rotterdam?

    What I most like about living in Rotterdam is that I can explore new things every day! Here there are a lot of museums and windmills, which I really enjoy visiting. I recommend every new student to visit the museums if you enjoy exploring new places! There is a famous night where you can buy one ticket and access all museums in Rotterdam at night, its a great event.