
    Dementia education package

    Developing six education packages about dementia care

    Publication date: 01 January 2008

    Six education packages have been developed for the GENERO-project ‘Implementation of current knowledge about dementia care in Secondary Vocational Education (mbo) and training’. The packages are based on current knowledge of dementia care and cover the following topics: early detection, emotion-oriented care, eating and drinking, engaging in activities, dealing with behavioural problems and interacting with family members.


    The packages provide a flexible set of theory-based lessons, presentations, practical sessions and exercises related to the professional competencies of nursing assistants. Teachers can pick components relevant for the education of their specific students.

    The development of the education packages profited from the collaboration of educational organisations, health care practice and Research Centre Innovations in Care. The exchange of knowledge about dementia care provided inspiration, ideas and new insights, and all those involved improved their subject knowledge. For this reason, the project-based collaboration will be continued.

    Evaluation of the early detection education package showed that 91% of the students find dementia interesting. Students indicate that they now have a better understanding of what it means to have dementia. They also have a better understanding of the challenges informal carers face and will know what to do if they are confronted with signs of dementia during their internship.