
    Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Do you have an Autism Spectrum Disorder? You may have extra difficulty with team work or keeping track of all your teaching material. Perhaps it is not always clear to you what the teacher expects from you. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences can help you tackle these challenges.

    What is it?

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term for different types of autism. Autistic persons are often very precise and notice details, but find social contact difficult and have trouble studying in a structured way. Does that sound familiar to you? Your general practitioner can help you further. He will refer you to a psychologist or facility of the Dutch Mental Healthcare Association. They can test you for Autism Spectrum Disorders. If the result is positive you will receive a declaration with your diagnosis.

    More information?

    Would you like to know more? There is a lot of information online. One of our own (autistic) students recommends (among others) these websites:

    If you are looking for Dutch organisations, please check out our Dutch page

    Do you need extra support? 

    Sometimes a few tips and an action plan can already help. Together with your student counsellor you can determine what will help you study effectively. Depending on your situation you could make use of extra exam time, flexible deadlines or extra guidance from your Study Coach or peer coach.  

    Official medical declaration

    When you first meet your student counsellor, bring your medical declaration with you from your physician or doctor. Your student counsellor uses this document to verify your medical situation.

    Is studying too challenging due to your disability?

    Meet with the student counsellor. The student counsellor can help you with the decision to take a break from your study. You can also find out if you are eligible for certain facilities with respect to study finance, such as an extension of your student finance or the absolving of a (part of) your study debt if your disability has made it impossible for you to finish a study programme.

    Financial compensation

    Are you studies delayed during your first four years of your study? You may be eligible for one extra year of student finance. The student counsellor will find out for you.