
    Annual study progress monitoring

    What is study progress monitoring?

    If you are studying with a Dutch study residence permit, then the study monitoring applies to you. This implies that in order to maintain your study residence permit, your study results need to be sufficient. You will need to pass at least 50% of the nominal study workload for each academic year.

    Please note that pre master students need to obtain all ECTS.  The study monitoring does not apply to exchange students.

    Minimum ECTS requirement

    At the end of each academic year the Student Support team from the Centre of International Affairs will check whether you have achieved at least 50% of the required number of ECTS between the period of 1 September and 31 August in order to keep your student residence permit.

    Here are some examples:

    • If you will be studying a four year bachelor programme of 60 ECTS per year, then you need to obtain at least 30 ECTS each year by the 1st of September to fulfill the ECTS requirement. 
      • Please note: The study progress monitoring is an immigration procedure, completely separate from the Binding Study Recommendation (BSR). The minimum amount of ECTS for the Binding Study Recommendation varies per study programme. You will need to refer to your study programme for more information about the Binding Study Recommendation that is required.
    • If you will be studying a one year master programme of 60 ECTS per year, then the number of required ECTS will depend on when you start your master programme.
      • If you start your master programme in September then you will need to obtain at least 30 ECTS by the 1st of September.
      • If you start your master programme in February then you will need to obtain at least 15 ECTS by the 1st of September.
    What happens if you meet the required ECTS?

    If your study progress is on track and you meet the required ECTS, then no action is required. You will then be allowed to continue your studies.

    What happens if you do not meet the required ECTS?

    Do you have an excusable reason?

    If your study progress is not sufficient the student support team must report this to the Dutch Immigration Office (IND) unless an excusable reason has been reported.

    In the case of exceptional personal circumstances the insufficient study results might be overruled. Our student support team will double check with the student counsellors or your study programme if this applies to your situation. These exceptional circumstances are called excusable reasons and are listed in the Higher Education and Research Act as:

    • illness
    • physical or sensory impairment or other functional disorder
    • pregnancy
    • exceptional family circumstances
    • board duties
    • the inability to study

    * Please note you may only use the same excusable reason once within your educational institution.

    If an excusable reason has been reported:

    If you did not meet the required ECTS due to an excusable reason then no further action will be required and you will be allowed to continue your studies.

    If an excusable reason has not been reported:

    If your study progress is not sufficient and an excusable reason has not been reported then the student support team must report this to the IND by deregistering you. The IND will inform you about the deregistration.

    The IND may then decide to withdraw your Dutch study residence permit and you will no longer have a lawful residence in the Netherlands. You will receive a letter about this to which you can respond. If your residence permit will be withdrawn and you wish to remain in the Netherlands, you will have to apply for another residence permit in the Netherlands or you can try to switch to a study programme at another educational institution.

    Take responsibility for your study results

    Please note that it is your own responsibility to keep track of your study results. Therefore make sure to:

    • Keep track of your results in Osiris during the academic year
    • Start taking action in time if you suspect you might not meet the required ECTS. You can have a confidential conversation about your private circumstances with our student counsellors. You can schedule an appointment through HINT.