
    Racism and Discrimination

    It is important that every student at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences feels safe and that everyone is treated equally, regardless of their background, skin colour, religion, or orientation. You may still hear or see something that will lead to an unsafe or unjust situation for you or others. What can you do? Who can you turn to? Please continue reading below.

    What is racism?

    Racism is about ('systematic') relationships between people based on their background and positions of power. A group of people who are faced with a form of oppression, hostility or stereotyping that puts them at a disadvantage. At an individual level, you may, for example, have to endure stereotypical remarks or jokes based on the colour of your skin or your nationality. This can lead to insecurity and/or stress for you or your fellow students.

    What is discrimination?

    Discrimination is the (systematic) exclusion of groups of people on the basis of certain characteristics such as their skin colour, and their religion, orientation, age, or health as well. When a teacher treats different groups of students differently, it may involve discrimination.

    What to do when I am a witness?

    The Student Handbook of each study programme includes a code for behaviour and integrity
    (appendix 2 of the Student Handbook). Students and staff must adhere to it. To value and treat everyone equally (respect) is emphasised here.

    If you think this is not the case, you can take different steps:

    • In principle, the first step is to call someone to account for their behaviour.
    • But should you not dare to do so, or should this not lead to a better outcome, you can also contact the confidential counsellor, who can help you and also explain any other steps.
    • You can also file a complaint directly with the director/dean or Complaints & Disputes Office.

    Are you in doubt about your next step? You can always reach out to the student counsellors. Student counsellors enjoy an independent position and are not connected to your study programme. Conversations are confidential and the student counsellor is sufficiently experienced to help you.

    Platform Included

    RUAS is currently launching the Included Platform. This is a student platform where topics such as racism, discrimination and inclusiveness can be discussed. Here you can enter into a dialogue with each other, learn from each other and find out more about these subjects.

    Want to learn more?