
    Extension residence permit

    As an international student you need a valid Dutch study residence permit card to study at our University. You receive this card when you start your studies at our University.

    Expiry residence permit card

    Your study residence permit card is only valid for a specific period of time. The date of expiry is indicated on your residence permit card. If you still expect to be a student at University after the expiry date on your residence permit card, the University needs to apply for an extension on your behalf before the card expires. We can submit an application to extend your residence permit 3 months before your current residence permit card expires.

    How to apply for an extension

    1. Pay the extension application fee of your residence permit card via Hintshop.
    2. Submit a copy of the invoice from Hintshop as proof that you have paid the extension fee. You can download the invoice from a link that you receive by email after making the payment.
    3. Submit a copy of your passport (the page with your personal details and all stamped pages).
    4. Submit a copy of the front and back of your current residence permit card.
    5. Complete and sign the Authorisation form in pen.
    6. Complete and sign the Antecedents declaration in pen.

    You can submit the above mentioned documents to the Student Support team at the Centre of International Affairs (CoIA) by sending an email to or by submitting the documents in person at the CoIA front desk at Kralingse Zoom (room KZ.B1.114).

    Your new residence permit card

    After you have submitted the required documents and we accepted them, we will apply for the extension of your residence permit at the IND (Dutch Immigration Office).

    We will inform you by email once the application has been approved and once your new residence permit card is ready for you to collect from the IND. You will need to schedule an appointment to collect the new residence permit card from the IND. Please note that the whole procedure can take up to 4-6 weeks (maximum 3 months).

    Frequently asked questions

    If the application to extend your residence permit was submitted after you residence permit has already expired, you may be faced with a residence gap. A residence gap means that the validity of your residence permits is not continuous. To start an application for permanent residence or a request for Dutch citizenship you must have 5 years continuous residence. With a residence gap your residence is not continuous anymore. You again have to build up 5 years of continuous residence. Please note that a residence gap does not necessarily affect your residence permit extension application.

    You can apply for a residence endorsement sticker at the IND desk. You will need to schedule an appointment at the IND to get an endorsement sticker. This sticker is placed in your passport. With this sticker you can prove that you are allowed to live in the Netherlands. You are not allowed to travel outside of the Netherlands with a residence endorsement sticker. The residence endorsement sticker is free of charge. You can read more about this on the IND’s residence endorsement sticker webpage.

    If your current residence permit will still be valid on the day you return to the Netherlands, then you should be able to travel back to the Netherlands. You will need a valid travel document, for example a passport. You also have to take your residence permit with you when travelling.

    If your current residence permit has expired and you have not received your new residence permit, then sometimes a return visa is needed to return to the Netherlands. You will need to schedule an appointment at the IND to get a return visa before you go on holiday. The return visa costs money. You can read more about the return visa and the cost on the IND’s return visa webpage.

    You can continue to work for 16 hours a week or full time during the summer months (June, July and August) as long as the IND received the application to extend your residence permit before the expiration date of your previous residence permit.