
    Word of welcome

    by president of COHEHRE

    It is my very great pleasure to welcome you to the annual COHEHRE Conference for 2022.

    On behalf of COHEHRE, it is my pleasure to invite health care professionals, researchers and students from all over the world to attend the annual COHEHRE conference ‘Urban Health: Inclusion and sustainability in super-diverse cities’, hosted by the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences,  from May 11th-13th 2022 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

    The conference will share an insight into the challenges, opportunities and solutions for

    • Students: Education & Diversity
    • Clients: Practice & Diversity
    • Healthcare professionals : Labour Market & Diversity

    in order to improve urban health, sustainability, inclusion, health equity and resilience.

    Join the conference and our international network of researchers, health care professionals and students to enhance the global discussion on urban health challenges and to transform urban environments in order to promote inclusion and sustainability. Let’s rethink urban health for the future!

    We are looking forward to meeting you in Rotterdam!

    Patrica Claessens
    COHEHRE President