Urban Health: inclusion and sustainability in super-diverse cities
With 3 sub-themes:1. Students: Education & Diversity
- Lifelong learning
- Customised programmes
- Differences in student lifestyles (socio-cultural)
- Inclusion
- International study programmes
- Interprofessional learning
- Technology for education
2. Clients: Practice & Diversity
- Urbanisation and health related issues
- Resilient cities
- How to promote Urban Health?
- New challenges in a diverse society
- Health literacy & prevention
- Inclusion of newcomers
- Prevention
- Sexual diversity within healthcare
- Vulnerable groups (ageing, people, disabled people, etc.)
- The use of technology and E-Health
3. Healthcare professionals: Labour market & Diversity
- Labour market shortages
- Ageing workforce
- Resilience and burn-out prevention
- Including culturally diverse workforce
- Cultural differences in the field
- The use of technology and E-Health
We welcome abstracts (oral presentations or posters) no longer than 2300 characters including spaces (around 350 words) in the following presentation categories:
- Research Study or Practice Development
- Innovative Educational Project
Scientific Committee
All abstracts will be reviewedAll abstracts will be reviewed by two council members. On the basis of these reviews, the submissions will be accepted or rejected. The presenting author will be notified of the outcome of the review process by email.
Ester Goutan Roura University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia – Spain
Ester Goutan is an Associate Professor at the Methodology and Basic Sciences Department at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC) where she lectures Human Physiology and Pharmacology. After her degree in Pharmacy, she began her research career on Neurobiology. At present, she has reoriented her research towards the clinical study of those health conditions that affect tissue repair. Higher Education Teaching and Innovative Teaching are also among her research interests. Since joining UVic-UCC, she has held several management positions and she has contributed to degree and post-degree design. Besides, she is responsible for the Academic Support and Orientation Unit dedicated to students' collaborations in her research group TR2Lab (Tissue Repair and Regeneration Laboratory).
Annemie Spooren PXL University of Applied Sciences – Belgium
Annemie Spooren is doctor in rehabilitation sciences and head Research Centre in Innovation in Care at PXL University of applied Sciences (Belgium). She's also lector at the Bachelor program of Occupational Therapy (PXL University of applied sciences) and guest professor at Hasselt University in the Master program of Occupational Science (Belgium). After her clinical work as a physiotherapist in different European countries, she has been involved in health education and research since 2000. Her focus on research is on innovative rehabilitation and care processes within an interdisciplinary context.