
    Study programme advisor

    Are you having some doubts about your current study programme or did you already stop? At RUAS we have study programme advisors available who can give you individual support in choosing your study.

    Individual study programme guidance

    Individual study programme guidance (1 to 4 conversations) is intended for anyone who wants to choose a study in higher education and who needs support in choosing a study.

    We use various assignments and test what your interests are, where your qualities or talents lie and which education and what profession would suit you best. You put what you have learned into concrete actions. We will help you on your way and after that you will orient yourself on different courses in the Netherlands, but also beyond.


    Contact Study Information Office (Studievoorlichting) for more information or to make an appointment. You can reach them via phone, chat or mail.

    Opening hours: Monday through Friday from 10 am. to 5.30 pm.
    T: 010 - 794 4400
    Chat: Click on the blue button at the top of this page