
    International Collaboration and Events

    We have placed economic and societal issues at the heart of our education and research. Our key pillars play an important role in our new and current collaborations.  

    To be able to make an impact, we have to push our boundaries and increase our work field and that of our students. We believe that by international collaboration and creating impactful international events, and weeks, we can improve our students' talents and skills and, in doing so, contribute to society and our local and international economy as a whole. Corporate connections are therefore essential to our education to help us achieve our goals, and inspire the next generation of business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators.

    Best Practices

    Yearly we organise various international events for and in collaboration with our partner institutions and local and international companies. An example of our events will give you a peek into possible collaboration opportunities.

    GEW: The Global Entrepreneurship Week, the largest celebration of entrepreneurship in the world. This event takes place all over the world, and every city celebrates on the same date a collective theme. At our yearly edition, we hosted between 400 and 500 (international) students, and partners, where we learned from the best and celebrated entrepreneurship all together. During Covid, we switched to a successful online event, which made it more accessible to the world of our partnerships. Click here for more.

    G4C: Game 4 Change, get started with gamification in education. Our marketing programmes are leading when it comes to gamification. In the best creative way, we can move students and prepare them for great professional roles in the real world. Click here for more.

    BIP: Blended Intensive Programmes, International Weeks organised with our partners and local international companies. E.g., an international finance week hosted by Deloitte, KPMG, or PWC, in collaboration with our finance programmes and finance programmes of our partner universities and vice versa. These events are accessible for many students and offer a great exchange of knowledge and skills.

    COIL Projects: Collective Online Learning Programmes. A blended multidisciplinary educational programme organised with various universities. This offers students from all over the world the opportunity to work together on real-life impactful projects.