
    Rotterdam Business School awarded international qualification for sustainability

    30 November 2020

    The bachelor's and master's programs of Rotterdam Business School, part of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences have been awarded the international quality mark Sustainable Higher Education level 3 this week. The assessment, carried out by the accreditation organisation Hobeon, was done on the basis of the international Auditing Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education (AISHE). It examines the extent to which sustainable development is integrated in education, research and collaboration with the professional field and knowledge centers. The bachelor's and master's programs of  Rotterdam Business School, all of which are taught in English, have proven by obtaining this quality mark at level 3 that sustainability is systematically intertwined in their programs and in the relationship with stakeholders.

    Marvin Leerdam of Hobeon was involved as an auditor: ‘We have seen and heard a number of good examples of sustainability in the RBS programs.  All RBS students come into contact with the theme of sustainability and they are being prepared to play a pioneering role in the field of sustainability.’

    Mariska Wit, Dean of Rotterdam Business School, is proud of the qualification: ‘This is our reward for working hard to get sustainability integrated in our programs, processes and way of working. That also means in our cooperation with partners inside and outside our organisation. We are convinced that our focus on sustainability is essential to remain relevant, both to students and to the work field. The qualification is a recognition that Rotterdam Business School educates her students to have an impact on the transition to a more sustainable economy. Not only after their diploma, but during their practice-oriented studies as well. It is the impact that the international business community and societies around the world are expecting from us.’