

    Foto van locatie Hillevliet


    Hillevliet 90 3074 KD


    See how you can reach this location

    With public transport
    From Rotterdam Central Station, take metro line D to De Akkers or metro line E to Slinge. Get off at the Maashaven stop. Walk west for 3 minutes to the tram. Take tram 2 in the direction of Keizerswaard and get off at the Putsebocht tram stop. View the travel time by public transport.

    Plan your route on

    With a car
    The Hillevliet location is located south of the Erasmus Bridge. After you have passed the Rijnhaven metro station, turn left onto Pretorialaan. After 500 meters this becomes the Hillevliet. Continue straight for 600 meters. The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences building is on your left. Please note that only paid parking is available in the area and is limited.

    See your travel time with public transport