
    Combining the power of education and research

    By 2025, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences will have an agenda for impactbased teaching and research for all study programmes. By 2028, every student and lecturer will be exposed to practice-based research.

    We develop practice-based knowledge and innovations that help solve transition challenges that are most important for the future of our region: sustainable delta, future-proof economy, vibrant community, and smart & social city.

    Our views on research In 2028, our applied research projects will help
    shape the major transitions in our region. To this end, we are developing high-quality research and innovation programmes and participating in the most important national and regional research programmes and partnerships. We are recognised and valued as an educator and knowledge institution by
    the knowledge, education, and social partners and by the profession.

    Our guiding principles

    • Our practice-based research makes a demonstrable contribution to the four major social issues.
    • Collaboration between science, education,
      practice, and citizens is the basis of our approach
      at all stages of our practice-based research.
    • We seek sustainable partnerships. We make
      commitments to our partners and ask the same
      of them.
    • We embed our research in regional, national,
      and international research structures, funds, and
      grants programmes.
    • We use the results of our research for further

    Research and education

    The combination of research and teaching fosters a critical, inquisitive attitude among students and lecturers who approach issues from multiple
    perspectives. In addition, research continually updates the content of our curricula. The combination of research and teaching allows for a powerful,
    challenging, and inspiring learning and working environment for students, lecturers, researchers, and participants from professional practice.
    To maintain focus and create mass for the four transition processes, we are drawing up an agenda for our institution’s education and research. We are
    aiming for a ratio of 1 professor to 350 students.
    To this end, a stable infrastructure will be established, both by providing the necessary facilities for
    research, and by offering permanent positions for
    research (lecturers) and (future) professors.

    More about our ambitions