
    Terzo Tempo

    Enhancing the critical situation of loneliness through creative sessions

    This project aims to enhance the critical situation of loneliness through social activities, physical monitoring and sessions of group meetings. The project includes creative sessions. There are laboratories with artistic, musical, theatrical and all handmade activities.

    The project also includes meetings with psychologists, naturopaths, osteopaths and professionals in psychomotor activities. Sports tutoring for the correct position, respiratory and movement exercises. And care and prevention activities and treatment for self-sufficient and non-autonomous elderly participants.

    Our working group proposes an aggregative/community life where all elderly can freely express their being. Our mission is to create a protected and traced space for elderly in order to:

    • Promote the social inclusion;
    • Create a space where everyone can freely express their being;
    • Improve the psychological skills and expressiveness to achieve a mental stability and wellbeing;

    Cristina Bolzonella
    +39 333 30 63353