
    Study, exam and failure stress

    Course content

    Are your studies affected by fear of failure, e.g., in presentations or exams? And are you looking for ways to deal with this? Then follow the elective Reducing Fear of Failure and get to work with practical exercises and home assignments.

    During the elective, you will gain more insights into what fear of failure is, what types of fear of failure exist, how it arises, and how to recognise it. What could be possible solutions for you?

    What will you learn in this elective?

    You will have more theoretical background and knowledge of fear of failure.

    You will be aware of your negative thoughts and find out about a step-by-step plan to deal with your thought process.

    You will be more aware of the importance of giving and receiving compliments.

    You will know several relaxing exercises you can use during episodes of fear of failure.

    You will be more aware of your own qualities and pitfalls.

    You will know more about the background of procrastination.

    You will know how to plan realistically and attainably.


    The training has a 100% attendance requirement. For 1 missed lesson, you must do a substitute assignment. You cannot miss the first and last lesson. During the training you will give a presentation, do exercises from the book, and write a final report. The training course is part of electives and is worth 2 study credits.


    The first step before registering is to get an intake interview with a counsellor. The counsellor will make sure you really experience fear of failure or if perhaps other factors are the problem, such as deficiencies or psychological complaints.